Madness Boldness Brightness​​​​​​

27-29 November 2024 | Bilbao, Bizkaia

Like Olympics, just with impact people!

Impact Week is a unique opportunity for the global community of investing for impact changemakers to encounter cutting-edge ideas, discover new trends and engage with partners, old and new, to maximise their impact for people and the planet.

Through Impact Europe's 20 years we've taken the annual conference as a chance to launch groundbreaking initiatives, foster unexpected partnerships and give every attendee a way to make their transformation count. We celebrate wins, learn from losses, focus on action and amplify our impact. No idea is too big. Everyone whose work is impact is welcome.

If we want to live in a brighter world, we need to get together – and get to work!

A play in 3 acts

We begin in dark times. We find the allies we need to make things better – and act together. In the end, we greet a bright new dawn.

This story is as old as time. It is many stories. It is our story. It can make you cry, gasp, cringe, laugh or storm out of the theatre to take action. The story aims for dramatic impact.

The three days of Impact Week mirror the three acts of a play, where three distinct turns transform darkness to light. 

Madness – We live in a mad world.

Boldness – We must be bold if we want to change it. 

Brightness – We keep working for a brighter tomorrow.

We set out to change what needs changing. Along the way, we too are changed!

Maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!

-Don Quixote

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