Locura Erokeria Madness
Day 1
Day One of Impact Week takes an unflinching look at today’s mad world. It is reserved to Impact Europe members only.
First, we’ll paint a data-driven picture of it, by unveiling and discussing our new market sizing report. The reason of numbers has much to teach us about the unreasonable. Next, it’s time to show how our community’s initiatives in policy advocacy, market building and collective impact action are already working to put people and planet first.
Impact people have their own special brand of madness, with its own quirks: there’s still competition between social and environmental impact, squabbles over impact returns versus financial returns, clashes between genders and generations. Day one will address how we can set these divisions aside and pull together to ensure tomorrow is less mad than today.
AGENDA | 27 November 2024
08.30-13.00 Impact Finance Crash Course
(registration required)
09.00-13.00 Policy Hub
(registration required)
10.00-12.00 Morning in the Neighbourhood
(registration required)
12.00-13.00 Welcome to Impact Week
(for Impact Week first-comers)
13.00 Registration & Lunch
14.00 Opening
15.30 Break
16.00 Breakouts
17.30 Break
18.00 Breakouts
19.00 Break & walk to dinner
19.30 Dinner at the Guggenheim Museum
(for Impact Europe members only)
Impact Week 2024
Impact Week 2024conference@impacteurope.net
Impact Week 2024conference@impacteurope.nethttps://www.impactweek.eu/bilbao
Impact Week 2024Impact Week 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announcedevent registration made easy
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