For a full overview of Impact Week programme, speakers and participants, get the event app.
Impact Week Venues
30 November | Magritte Museum
1 & 2 December | Maison de la Poste
Main Stage Mission Tracks Action Tracks Special Events C Summit Exclusives
30 November 2022
Crash Course
Investing for Impact
Opening Conversations
Drinks | Magritte Museum Tour
C Summit Dinner
01 December 2022
Main Stage
Emergence of New Solutions
Putting the S in ESG
Main Stage
Impact United
Impact Stories
- Patrice Schneider | Chief Strategy Officer, MDIF; Co-initiator, Pluralis
- Charles-Antoine Bodson | Founder, The Skateroom
- An Vandermeulen | Artistic Director, Globe Aroma
- Dailah Nihot | Chief Organisation & Corporate Relations and Member of the Management Board, NN Group
- Jamal Oulel | Founder, Socialdebt
- Arosha Brouwer | Co-founder & CEO, Quan
Smart Impact
Talking Numbers
- José Luis Ruiz de Munain | CEO, Spain NAB
- Laure Wessemius-Chibrac | CEO, Netherlands NAB
- Sophia Omar | Programme Coordinator, Impact Investing Institute
- Jon Sallé | Deputy Head of Research and Innovation, FAIR
- Filippo Montesi | Secretary General, Social Impact Agenda per l'Italia
- Raffaella De Felice | Head of Knowledge Management and Community, GSG
- Johannes Weber | Managing Director, Bundesinitiative Impact Investing
- Sevan Holemans | Managing Director, SOLIFIN
- Gianluca Gaggiotti | Research Manager, EVPA
- Alessia Gianoncelli | Head of Knowledge, Community and Market Development, EVPA
Impact Synergies
Impact-Busters: first-time funds demystified
- Kristine Kandelaki | Program Manager, Centre for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia
- Anna Gulevska-Chernysh, Co-founder & Chair, SILab Ukraine
- Gevorg Poghosyan | CEO, Impact Hub Yerevan
- Andreja Rosandic | Stakeholders Manager, EVPA
- Martijn Blom | Manager for Benelux & Impact Funds Initiative, EVPA
Transformative Impact
Systems Change
Net Zero Prosperity
The Climate Solutions Hub
Future of Health
Scaling up Inclusive Healthcare
Impact Cities
Food Unfolded
Main Stage
13.30 | Net-Zero Prosperity
14.15 | Impact Cities
Impact Stories
- Sandrine Dixson-Declève | Co-president, Club of Rome
- Idriss Nor | Executive Director Impact Investing, DOEN Participaties
- Piet Colruyt | Founder, Impact Capital
- Leslie Johnston | CEO, Laudes Foundation, EVPA Chair
- Alexandros Katsaronas | Production Manager, Microgreens-MagicGreens
- Petra Tas | Coordinator, De Landgenoten
Corporate Impact Funds
- Thibault Couturier | Investment Manager, Engie
- Annette Jung | Impact Finance Lead, Philips
- David Higgins | Impact Investment Lead, Johnson & Johnson Foundation
- Yasmina Zaidman | Chief Development and Partnerships Officer, Acumen
- Lorelei Logel Demoulin | Partnerships Manager, Yunus Social Business
- Jo Bautista | Partnerships Manager, Yunus Social Business
- David Berners | Director for Product Strategy & Investor Relations, Yunus Social Business
- Åsa Skogström Feldt | Managing Director, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship BV
- Neven Marinovic | President, Euclid Network | Co-founder, Smart Kolektiv
Impact Integrity
Smart Impact
IMM Heated Discussion
- Elise Leclerc | Director, Social Impact Assessment La, ESSEC Business School
- Elemér Eszter | Managing Partner, Impact Ventures
- Olga Tarasov | Senior Director of Knowledge Development, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
- Alessia Gianoncelli | Head of Knowledge, Community and Market Development, EVPA
- Arnau Picón | Research Associate, EVPA
Impact Synergies
Catalytic Capital: the Big Picture
Transformative Impact
Pact for Skills
Future of Health
Revolutionising Care
Impact Heroes
Accelerating Impact
Impact United
Gender Lens Investing
Main Stage
15.30 | Future of Health
16.15 | Talking Numbers
16.30 | Food
Impact Stories
From Competition to Cooperation
Successful Collective Action
Smart Impact
In Addition to Additionality
Impact Synergies
Catalytic Capital Showcase
- Amir Rizwan | Investor Relations Director, Big Society Capital
- Michelle Mouracade | Impact Investment Fund Advisor, Alfanar
- Deirdre Mortell | CEO, Rethink Ireland
- Scott Onder | Chief Investment Officer, Mercy Corps
- Urs Dieterich| Managing Director, Landscape Resilience Fund
- Marie Ringler | Global Leadership Group Member, Ashoka
- Peter Cafferkey | Representative for the UK & Ireland, EVPA
- Isabelle Schiltz | Community Project Manager, EVPA
Impact Synergies
Impact in Conflict Zones
- Risto Raivio | Senior Expert, European Commission DG EMPL
- Joana do Ó | Head of ESF Coordination Unit, AD&C
- Živilė Čimolauskaitė | Deputy Director of Project Management Division, European Social Fund Agency; Coordinator of CoP on Social Innovation, European Competence Centre for Social Innovation
- Karolina Kolarova | Policy and EU Partnerships Analyst, EVPA
Net Zero Prosperity
Scaling Circularity & Innovation
Impact Heroes
The Power of Patient Capital
- Yasmina Zaidman | Chief Development and Partnerships Officer, Acumen
- Åsa Skogström Feldt | Managing Director, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship BV
- Mark Koppejan | Programme Manager Asia, Rabo Foundation
- Dr. Ilka Wicke | Global Head of Making More Health, Boehringer Ingelheim
- Anthony Virapin | WW Leader, Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact, Microsoft Corporation
Impact United
The Human Safety Net
Impact Cities
Innovative Impact Investing
- Anne Gerset | Co-founder, makesense
- Pieter-Jan Van de Velde | Senior Investment Manager, Trividen
- Aglaé Touchard Le Drian | Co-head, RAISE Impact
- Jennifer Van der Merwe | Director, Kindred LCR
- Blandine Machabert | Impact Manager, RAISE France
- Tatiana van Lier | Head of Communications & Stakeholder management, DOEN Participaties
Youth Empowerment
Smart Impact
IMM in Action
Impact Synergies
Impact Links
Transformative Impact
Social Innovation
Future of Health
Mental x Financial Wellbeing
Impact Cities
Affordable Housing
Future of Health
Co-funding the Future
- Annette Jung | Impact Finance Lead, Philips
- Stefan Wilhelm | Associate Director Social Impact, Bayer Foundation
- Christian Bausch | Senior Manager Making More Health, Boehringer Ingelheim
- Eleni Theodorou | Director Strategy and Philanthropic Relations, We Share Forward Foundation
- Samuel Knauss | CEO & Co-founder, Elucid
- Julius Emmrich | CEO & Co-founder, Elucid
- Álvaro Pérez-Pla Sobrino | Director of Impact Investment Projects, Open Value Foundation
Main Stage
Impact Week Dinner
02 December 2022
Main Stage
Impact Breakfast
Main Stage
Impact Heroes
Smart Impact
EU Funding Bootcamp
- Brigitte Fellahi-Brognaux | Head of Unit, European Commission DG EMPL
- Jaime Vera Calonje | Senior Investment Manager, EIF
- Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes | CEO, Euclid Network
- Peter Surek | CEO, Erste Social Finance Holding
- Bruno Robino | Head of fi-compass, EIB
- Bianca Polidoro | Senior Policy & EU Partnerships Manager, EVPA
Impact Synergies
Closing the Gap
- Francesca Passeri, Deputy Director, Eurocrowd
- Caroline Tsilikounas, General Manager, European Microfinance Network
- Jose Moncada, Founder & CEO, La Bolsa Social
- Oscar Ugarte, General Director, Seed Capital Bizkaia
- Arnau Picón, Research Associate, EVPA
Transformative Impact
Catalytic Capital for Development
Net Zero Prosperity
Women in Agri Supply Chains
Future of Health
Access to Health in the Global South
Impact Cities
What Can Culture Do
- Rana Zincir Celal | Director, Equality Impact Investing
- Idriss Nor | Executive Director Impact Investing, DOEN Participatie
- Fran Sanderson | Director of Arts Programmes and Investments, NESTA
- Farah Makki | Strategic Advisor, MitOst
- Bernd Fesel |Interim CEO, EIT Culture & Creativity
- Jotham Sietsma | Managing Director, MitOst
- Martijn Blom | Manager for Benelux & Impact Funds Initiative, EVPA
Impact Heroes
Revolving Impact Funds
- Chloe de Roos Feinberg | Business Manager to the CEO, Laudes Foundation
- Urs Dieterich| Managing Director, Landscape Resilience Fund
- Fabien Nizard | Head Corporate Finance & Investor Relations, Koa
- Peter Beez | Program Manager and Regional Thematic Advisor, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Main Stage
11.30 | Sustainable x Impact Finance
12.15 | Youth
Impact Stories
- Mairead McGuinness | European Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union
- Maha Keramane | Head of Positive Impact Business Accelerator, BNP Paribas
- Aleksandra Palinska |Executive Director, Eurosif
- Alessia Gianoncelli | Head of Knowledge, Community and Market Development, EVPA
- Gilles Vermot Desroches | Chief Corporate Citizenship Officer, Schneider Electric & Executive Director, Schneider Electric Foundation
- Léa Falco | Member, ‘Pour un réveil écologique’
- Jeanine Buzali | Changemaker Companies Lead, Ashoka
- Sophie Faujour | Corporate Lead, EVPA
Smart Impact
EU Funding Bootcamp
- Markus Freiburg | Founder & Managing Director, FASE
- Lara Viada | Partner, Creas | Acumen Fellow
- Antonio Miguel | Managing Director, Maze
- Florian Tuder | Training Expert & Coordinator, EVPA
- Stéphanie Brenda Smialowski | Policy & EU Partnerships Associate, EVPA
- Karolina Kolarova | Policy and EU Partnerships Analyst, EVPA
Transformative Impact
Catalytic Capital x Impact Funds – part 1
[Registration Required]
Net Zero Prosperity
Steward Ownership
Future of Health
Triple Wins: Equity, Sustainability & Health
Impact Cities
From ESG to Impact
Impact Heroes
Disruptive Finance for Impact
Impact United
Foundations in Context
- Alexandre Giraud | Director of Programs, Fondation de France
- Debora Guidetti | Senior European Programme Manager, Ariadne
- Thibaut Bruttin | Vice-Director, Reporters Without Borders
- Remy Leclercq | CEO, Foundation
- Maja Spanu | Head of Philanthropy and International Affairs, Fondation de France
Main Stage
Weaving Webs of Change
Smart Impact
EU Funding Bootcamp
Impact Synergies
Better Incubation Project Finale
- Brigitte Fellahi-Brognaux | Head of Unit, European Commission DG EMPL
- Chiara Davalli | Senior Project Leader, EBN
- Tatiana Glad | Executive Director, Impact Hub Network
- Laura Lecci | CEO, EBN
- Viktória Sőregi | Project Manager, Impact Hub Budapest
- Francisco Pizarro | Business Development Manager, Fundecyt-PCTEX
- Francesco Rocca | Managing Director, Impact Hub Lisbon
- Hrishabh Sandilya | Co-Founder, ReImagined Futures; Senior Programme Manager, EPIM
- Kristian Mancinone | Social Innovation Expert, ART-ER
- Nayla Attas | Programs and Partnerships Operations Senior Manager, Impact Hub Network
Transformative Impact
Catalytic Capital x Impact Funds – part 2
[Registration Required]
Impact Week
Impact WeekImpact Week0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Gare MaritimeGare MaritimeRue Picard 11 1000 Brussels Belgium